On the Twelfth of December 2017, we attended shearing at “Tarooma” Nundle NSW. We met with SKM Agriculture-Property Manager Luke White and his father Jeff and the shearing team. They used Eureka Gold on the sheep as they were shorn, as a preventative measure for the treatment of Lice. This was the first time they had treated with Eureka Gold on the property for many years. In total they shore approximately 3000 sheep over 6 days. They also drenched the sheep using WSD LV Abamectin and WSD LV Combination (Purchased as WSD Double Attack Packs) for the treatment of internal parasites. It was a great day out, we also spoke to the shearers who were keen to learn about Eureka Gold as they had not seen a Diazinon based product used as a backline on Sheep until now. Jeff said he liked the easy way to mix the Eureka Gold with water using the wheelie bins as a container and also the gas gun applicator as a safe and easy way to apply the product. Luke likes Eureka Gold as he knows it is very effective for killing lice which gives him confidence to let the sheep go out into the back paddocks for a while knowing they will be lice free on their return.”

Event Photographs

Nundle Shearing 2017
Eureka Gold®at Nundle Shearing 2017
Nundle Shearing 2017
Nundle Shearing 2017
Nundle Shearing 2017
Nundle Shearing 2017
Nundle Shearing 2017
Nundle Shearing 2017
Nundle Shearing 2017
Nundle Shearing 2017

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